[RBL] Regulament General pentru playerii serverului

Aici veți afla ce înseamnă să fii admin al server-ului REBELII.GAMERS-HUB.RO
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Post by S I N N N »

Jucatorii care nu respecta aceste reguli vor primi slay/slap/kick/ban

✅1. Nu aveti voie cu sa abuzati de buguri ! [Slay/Kick , la mai mult de 5 abateri ban 120 minute]
✅2. Raportarea codatilor de catre jucatori se face cu say_team @ mesaj ! sau apasati U si incepeti mesajul cu @ ! [riscati slay]
✅3. Evitati depasirea limitelor hartilor! Nu va bagati sub harta sau in locuri din afara hartii greu accesibile! [slay/kick]
✅4. Este interzis limbajul vulgar,obscen si amenintarea jucatorilor/adminilor [gag/kick/ban] Mai important, nu injurati adminii, Avertisment + 3 zile suspendare.
✅5. Jucatorii nu au voie sa poarte ca nume: injuraturi, jigniri la adresa jucatorilor, reclame la alte servere sau injurii aduse la adresa server-ului. [nick schimbat/kick/ban]
✅6. Nu se admit reclame la alte servere/forumuri ! [Exterminate/Destroy/Fuckoff/Censure...]
✅7. Daca ai citit tot regulamentul jucătorilor, in cererea de slot la intrebarea "Care este cuvantul cheie din regulament ?" veti raspunde cu "miro e bulangiu"
✅8. Jucatorii carora li s-au facut poze sunt obligati sa puna pozele pe forum la sectiunea "Cereri Unban". [ban permanent+exterminate]
✅9. Este interzisa floodarea serverului afisand acelasi mesaj excesiv pe chatul public. [gag/ban 10-30 minute]
✅10. Nu se fac cereri admin/slot/nume rezervat decat pe forum la sectiunea respectiva. [gag/kick/ban]
✅11. Este interzis să dai retry în timp ce ai gag pentru a încerca să scapi de el. [ban 20-30 minute]
✅12. Daca nu este admin pe server si este un codat, va puneti la spec, porniti demo, luati ip cu amx_showip si faceti Cerere Ban.
✅13. Jucatorii care comenteaza sau contesteaza deciziile adminilor vor primi gag/kick. Pentru a contesta o decizie, faceti o reclamatie pe forum la categoria serverului.
✅14. Nu aveti voie sa folositi say_team@ (U@) pe post de chat. [avertisment verbal/la a 3 -a abatere ban 10-20 minute]
✅15. Nu aveti voie sa cereti adminilor pro/contra pe server!
✅16. Daca pe server sunt 20 sau mai multi jucatori, cei care stau ca spectatori mai mult de 10 minute vor primi kick, iar daca pe server sunt sub 16 jucatori, spectatorii vor fi lasati pe server daca au ping-ul mai mic de 70.
✅17. Este interzisa folosirea Codurilor pe server. In caz contrar, veti primi Ban Permanent.


Players who don't follow these rules will get slay/slap/kick/ban

✅1. You are not allowed to abuse bugs! [Slay/Kick, for more than 5 violations ban 120 minute]
✅2. Reporting of codes by players is done with say_team @ message! or press U and start the message with @ ! [ slay]
✅3. Avoid exceeding the limits of the maps! Do not hide under the map or in hard-to-reach places off the map! [slay/kick]
✅4. Vulgar, obscene language and threatening players/administrators [gag/kick/ban] More importantly, don't swear at the admins, Warning + 3 days suspension is prohibited.
✅5. Players are not allowed to use as names: swearing, insults to the players, advertisements on other servers or insults to the server. [nick change/kick/ban]
✅6. Ads are not allowed on other servers/forums! [Exterminate/Destroy/Fuckoff/Censure...]
✅7. If you have read all the players' regulations, in the slot application to the question "What is the key word in the regulations?" you will answer with "miro e bulangiu"
✅8. The players whose pictures were taken they need to put on the forum in the "Unban Requests" section. [permanent ban+exterminate
✅9. Is forbidden to flood the server by displaying the same message excessively on the public chat. [gag/ban 10-30 minutes]
✅10. Admin/slot/reserved name requests are only made on the forum in the respective section. [gag/kick/ban]
✅11. It is forbidden to retry while gagging to try to escape it. [ban 20-30 minutes]
✅12. If there is no admin on the server and it is coded, go to spec, start demo, get ip with amx_showip and make Ban Request.
✅13. Players who comment or dispute the decisions of the admins will receive a gag/kick. To dispute a decision, file a complaint on the forum in the server category.
✅14. You are not allowed to use say_team@ (U@) as a chat post. [verbal warning/for the 3rd offense ban 10-20 minutes]
✅15. You are not allowed to ask admins for/against the server!
✅16. If there are 20 or more players on the server, those who stay as spectators for more than 10 minutes will receive a kick, and if there are less than 16 players on the server, the spectators will be left on the server if their ping is less than
✅17. The use of Codes on the server is prohibited. Otherwise, you will receive a Permanent Ban.

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